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Business & Life Coaching: 5 Things to Consider

Identifying which life coaches are high-quality and just out for a quick buck can be highly challenging. There are many factors to consider. Such as, do you prefer online or in-person? How much can you afford? How often do you wish to meet?

Furthermore, how can you choose the right coach for you? This guide aims to demystify the process, assist you in finding the right life coach, and prepare you to find the more beneficial coach for your specific needs.

1. Make Sure a Coach Is What You Are Looking For

It's easy to get coaches confused with other healers and support persons, like mentors, psychologists and therapists. It's essential to understand what a coach, is and what you shall expect to get in terms of services and results, on top of all.

Coaches focus on the future, addressing long-term and short-term goals you may have. Coaches encourage positively focused ways to explore opportunities and create sustainable change.

Ultimately, a coach will help individuals arrive at solutions and the necessary actions to achieve their goals. Accountability is also a considerable benefit of coaching. Any roadblock you may encounter along the way can also be addressed and overcome with the guide of a life coach.

2. Assess their level of training and certification

Well-trained coaches apply evidence-based coaching models based on scientific research. The coaches must undergo an in-depth training program to learn these research and techniques. There is very little regulation or governance of the coaching industry compared to therapy. Anyone can call themselves a coach regardless of whether they have been through a training program and a certification is a good starting point to assess the value of a service provider. Nonetheless, just like for teachers, a diploma does not mean quality. All school teachers are cretified, but only a few can really make the difference, so follow your instinct to figure out whether that coachis the one for you. Ask if they have continued their training through other certifications, or if a part of the income is allocated as growth & education budget. Choosing a coach that is active in educating themself is a positive sign that they are knowledgeable and dedicated to their mission.

3. Ask Them about Their Coaching Style & Methodologies

Depending on their training and personality, each life coach coaches in a different way. For example, some coaches are very organized and structured, others are more open and free-form-session oriented. In addition, coaching can come in different forms, some are warm and supportive, some more contentious and challenging. Evaluate your personality to determine which one would be most supportive for you.

It is crucial to determine if their style matches your needs before hiring a coach.

First, consider asking your potential coach how they would describe their coaching style, and then think whether that is the type of guidance you need to accomplish your goals at this point in your life.

Be sure your coach is using proven coaching techniques and methodologies. You'll achieve your goals if your sessions are practical. Each coach will use various procedures based on their niche and client needs.

4. Have a Consultation with the Coach

Most life coaches offer a free consultation to meet and determine if working together is a good fit. Through a conversation, you can discover if their style and methodologies will benefit you. It's also important to consider if you feel safe and at ease while talking with them. Safety is an essential key when doing inner self-improvement work.

Coaching can allow you to dive deep and accomplish your dreams, making it very important for a coach to be non-judgmental. It’s okay if you don't resonate with a specific coach. During a consultation, try on the relationship and see how it feels to work with them to learn how it works. They may be a great coach but not the right coach for you, and that's okay!

5. Evaluate Your Experience and Interactions with Them

Always ask for a free session to evaluate the level of service and check if the coaching style can match your needs and expectations. After you interact or work with your coach, it's essential to evaluate how you feel and how you think they performed afterward. Most coaches will ask you, “How do you think today's session went” before ending the session to get any feedback for ways to improve your time together.

Also, consider these few things as well:

  • Do they follow up with you promptly?

  • Do they provide or offer resources that are beneficial to you?

  • Do their business values align with yours?

  • Do you feel valued as a person and not just a number?

Well-trained coaches greatly care about your experience and whether or not you are benefiting from working with them. Coaches are always interested in improving. While it's impossible to please everyone all the time, great coaches know there is always room to improve.


Life coaching can open up a world of possibilities for people struggling to achieve personal or professional goals. Coaching can help you achieve your goals in a wide range of areas, from relationships to finances to health and spirituality. First, however, you must find one that works for you! Follow and trust your gut when finding the right person to help you reach your goals and overcome obstacles.

So, it's time now to claim your first free session to have a bite of my coaching style.

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